Montclair Homeopathy

Dr. Linda Robins works exceptionally hard to provide safe and non-toxic medicines at Montclair Homeopathy.

montclair homeopathy
Photo courtesy of Dr. Linda Robins.

Montclair Homeopathy brings healing.

If you’re looking for a different approach to medicine, look no further than Dr. Linda Robins of Montclair Homeopathy. Dr. Robins works with each patient to design a highly-individualized wellness program comprised of classical homeopathy, supplement management and nutritional guidance.

“Classical homeopathy is a safe, non-toxic system of medicine that has proven to be effective in treating a host of conditions,” said Dr. Robins. “A long history of safe, effective, low-cost medicines has made homeopathy the treatment of choice for an estimated 500 million people the world over. Homeopathy has been practiced worldwide for nearly 200 years. Homeopathy is presently part of the national health care system in many countries, such as England, France, Germany, Sweden and India.”

Dr. Robins is the founder of Montclair Homeopathy, and has been providing natural medicine services in Montclair for nearly 15 years. She is a nationally-recognized Holistic Homeopath who has studied extensively the benefits of nutrient-dense foods and magnesium.

Dr. Robins obtained her medical degree from New York University, with advanced training in Women’s Health, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and a degree in Homeopathy from Hahnemann School of Homeopathy.

Before coming to Montclair, Dr. Robins gained experience as a traditional physician, which helped expand her insight into the cure of illness through holistic medicine, which she became passionate about after traditional medicine failed to heal her own chronic back ailment. After her career as a leading infertility specialist in New Jersey, Dr. Robins traded in her scalpel and hormones for classical homeopathy and whole foods, integrating her passion and knowledge around the benefits of nutrient-dense food into her healing practice.

According to Dr. Robins, there are many benefits to using holistic medicine. The top three benefits for using classic homeopathy are: homeopathy is a safe, natural and inexpensive tool for maximizing immunity and creating greater health through physical, emotional and mental balance; Homeopathy is a powerful addition to a complementary wellness lifestyle, and can work with other modalities to support a holistic approach; because it is so safe, homeopathic medicines can work for babies, animals and even plants.

Dr. Robins is no stranger to Montclair, having been a resident of the town for almost 20 years. She raised her four children in town, so she considers hosting her medical practice here a natural fit and evolution of her love for Montclair.

After opening Montclair Homeopathy in 2002, Dr. Robins soon became aware of the profound impact that food plays in health and began educating her patients on the benefits of nutrient dense foods.  “My guiding principle became ‘We are what we eat and what we eat has a profound impact on our health,’” said Dr. Robins.

After further study, Dr. Robins realized the vital role that magnesium plays in health. “Our modern diet is gravely deficient in that important mineral,” said Dr. Robins. “To integrate magnesium more easily into our life, I created a magnesium-rich product line. My intention is to encourage others to work in collaboration with nature and to recognize not only the mineral-rich qualities of our food but also experience the difference that cooking with love and care makes.”

Dr. Robins’ naturally vegan and gluten-free nuts and seaweed come from sustainable and environmentally conscious farmers inspiring us to handle them with the same love and care from start to finish. For more information on Dr. Robins and her products, visit and

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