Advertise on the Montclair Dispatch

Advertising in The Montclair Dispatch has value!

While The Montclair Dispatch has earned the attention of 46,083 readers to our local news site we are still not reaching enough of our target audience. We are growing though, Our readership is up an amazing 3,737.76% in just the last 36 months, yes that is over Three Thousand percent. The Pew Research Center reports that our industry has been in a steady decline for more then ten years loosing roughly 2-5% per year. We are proud to say we have found those readers and they enjoy our efforts. They even send chocolate, nuts, wine and concert tickets which rightfully goes to the hardest working staff bar-none. Google has rewarded us by listing us on the Google-News site, sending our articles out to an ever larger circle of readers. How large? Google tells us our visitors come in from 164 countries on six continents, I ‘ll bet we have had readers from Antarctica but Google is not tracking that data at the moment.

All that is interesting yes but to our advertisers, and we really do love you all, the important visitors, the readers they want their display ads in front of mostly hail from the greater Montclair New Jersey area, roughly 80% of our readers.

So if you are looking to get your business, your products or services in front of several thousand of readers each month just give us a call, we are in a deal making mode.

Here is a link to our Market Demographics.

Advertise in our publication.

Please fill out the form below to advertise after agreeing to our terms and conditions, Click here to read our Terms and Conditions

Our Monthly rates for Digital Advertisement:

Header (728×90): $1200

Vertical Big Box (300×600) : $1600

Rectangle Big Box (300×250):  $1400

Our Monthly rates for Printed Advertisement:

Header (728×90): $720

Vertical Big Box (300×600): $960

Rectangle Big Box (300×250):  $840

The Fine Print

All Ads Link to the advertiser’s website, Facebook or linkedin profile

All ads display 24/7, in a rotation of up to 3 advertisers.


Graphic design fees , a $50.00/ad value, is included.

Header Box: 728 x 90 pixels

Vertical Big Box: 300 x 600 pixels

Rectangle Big Box: 300 x 250 pixels


All Display ads are 72 DPI .jpeg files for web use only. If you need a higher resolution for print advertising please contact us.
For additional display advertising information contact Display Ad Sales at 973-509-8861 or email us at

Montclair Dispatch Display Advertising Purchase Form

Purchase Display Advertising on the Montclair Dispatch and we will contact you to plan when your display advertising will run.

  • $1,200.00
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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