The Montclair Dispatch Errata Information Page
The Montclair Dispatch welcomes complaints about errors that warrant correction. As in any course of human endeavor errata is bound to happen. We will correct any factual elements we have printed provided we can independently ascertain the facts beyond the reader’s position. We will not attempt to correct a reader’s impression.
On this page and in the article online, we list our recent corrections. The article online will be corrected to be factually correct if it can be. Corrections will be added to any article as an Editor’s note that will append the article explaining that a change was made and why.
As always messages on news coverage can be e-mailed to [email protected] or left at 973-509-8861, comments on editorials may be e-mailed to NewsDesk@MontclairDispatch.
Readers concerned about issues of journalistic integrity may reach the editor at [email protected] or left at 973-509-8861.
Watch this space and in the print edition for any errata.
- On 2-10-2017 In the article Montclair’s South Street Farmers Market a Failure By Any Measure the third sentence In the fourth paragraph was changed to reflect that Mr. Cronk was not concurrently employed by Bangs Salon and Wellness Spa and the BID.
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