Adorable pets at the Montclair Township Animal Shelter.
The Montclair Township Animal Shelter is a full-service, open-access, animal control and sheltering facility that serves residents of Montclair, Nutley and Verona while also providing a variety of community programs to the community residents.

The Montclair Township Animal Shelter’s mission is to care for and protect abandoned or unwanted animals in the community, to promote animal welfare and owner responsibility through programs, to increase animal adoptions to permanent homes and to increase the adoptability of animals through behavior modification, training, socialization and environmental enrichment so that they stay in their adoptive homes.
The Montclair Township Animal Shelter also offers low cost spay/neuter services as well as microchipping, Trap-Neuter-Return for community cats, a meals on wheels service for homebound residents, a robust volunteer program for children as young as 10 with a parent and shelter tours for local school and civic groups. The MTAS even have a reading program for young students who can practice their skills reading to their pets!
The Montclair Township Animal Shelter hosts volunteer orientation sessions throughout the year. Volunteers help support fundraising efforts for shelter needs, promote animals for adoption and much more. If you are interested in volunteer work at the shelter, the upcoming orientation sessions are as followed: Saturday, Feb. 6 at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 6:30 p.m. as well as more dates in March and April.
Niki Dawson, the MTAS Director, became involved when she was contacted by the Animal Advisory Committee last February to advise the committee on shelter operations. After accepting an Interim Director position, Dawson accepted the Shelter Director position last summer. “The sense of community is so strong. We are known as the source for animal issues in the area and that brings everyone into the fold, both people who need help and people who can provide donations and services,” said Dawson. “We could not ask for a more supportive community!”
The Montclair Township Animal Shelter is open from 12 p.m.- 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and open from 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. on Thursdays through Mondays.
If you are interested in adopting a pet, want more information on how to volunteer or need any other information about the Montclair Township Animal Shelter, call 973-744-8600, visit their website at, or visit their Montclair Township Animal Shelter location at 77 North Willow Street in Montclair!
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