‘Pokemon Go’: Travel Between Real and Virtual Worlds

How many of you remember Pokemon? Well it's back and even better than when you first remembered as 'Pokemon Go' takes you to a new world.

‘Pokemon Go’: Travel Between Real and Virtual Worlds

‘Pokemon Go’ takes video games to a whole other level! As many of you know, Niantic and the Pokemon Company have teamed up to create the newly released game, Pokemon Go. Since its release on July 6, Pokemon Go has reached top of the App Store on Apple phones and apps related to it, such as “Go […]

Minecraft: Get Creative

Minecraft allows users to create their own world and play with friends, while providing frequent updates to the system.

Minecraft: Get Creative

Build your own worlds with Minecraft. Minecraft is a game that was started seven years ago by Notch, then known as Markus Alexej Persson, who had an idea to create a game. Two years later, an online version of the game was released on Nov. 18, 2011, and it is still very active to this […]