Class of 2015 Are Driven Crazy

Junior year is considered to be one of the worst years of high school. The work load is intense, the college pressure is just beginning to settle in and the feeling of, “Oh my god I’m in over my head but I still have one more year here” starts to make students panic.

Class of 2015 Juniors become worrisome.

Many Montclair High School Juniors, Class of 2015 are currently struggling because they have given themselves extremely intense course loads. Come junior year, students load up on Advanced Placement and High Honors classes so that they’ll seem appealing to colleges down the road. However, in many cases, this piling up of classes turns out to be detrimental.

“I’m honestly drowning in homework,” confides one junior. “I feel like I don’t ever get to sleep or relax because I’m constantly either working on a project or stressed out and studying for a test.”

Student helping his colleague with school work
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The problem is even worse for student athletes. Sports make it especially hard to balance a junior year course load. Many student athletes find themselves at practice and games until late in the evening, and by the time they get home, they’re starting their piles of homework very late.

Both teachers and coaches expect the best out of students on both the classroom and on the field, which can get extremely difficult.

“It’s so overwhelming,” says junior Emily McCarthy, Class of 2015. “I come home from a two to three hour practice to a pile of homework and tests to study for. I feel like a robot. I go to school, then practice, go home and do homework, sleep and repeat. There just isn’t time for anything else.”

SAT’s, ACT’s, AP exams and other tests also make junior year quite the walk over hot coals. Not only are students burdened with both homework and extracurricular activities, but they also face an onslaught of test prep and pressure to do well on those tests.

“I have people telling me that if I don’t break 2000 on the SAT’s, that I’m not going to get into college,” shares one junior. “It honestly scares me. I’m not a test taker and I know I’m not going to do well, so just thinking about it really stresses me out.”

The pressure for the Class of 2015 of SAT’s and ACT’s adds to the mounting pressure of college. While college applications don’t need to be dealt with until senior year, juniors still feel the pressure. Even though they may not be applying to college, they still have to work extremely hard so that, when they do, they have the GPA’s, extracurricular activities and scores that will get them in.

“People seem to think we should all have our dream school and career picked out, so it’s stressful for the people who don’t know what they want to do,” says junior Julie Schrieber, Class of 2015.

While the Class of 2015 may feel miserable, it’s important to note that it is not the end of the world. Yes, there is a lot of stress, and there are times when it feels like all you can do is rock back and forth in fetal position in a corner. Keep in mind that it is all worth it. Working hard during your junior year pays off. If you continue to persevere, it’ll be worth it when all that hard work helps you get into your dream school.

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