Cymbal: The Music Discovery App

Cymbal, founded by Tufts University, is a simple new app that allows you to discover great new music and share it with friends.

Find music with Cymbal.

If you’re reading this, you probably like music, right? Well you’re in luck, there’s a new free app for people just like you: Cymbal, a minimalistic approach to discovering new music powered by your friends. This newest social media app coming straight out of Tufts University is just like Instagram, but for music. Unfortunately for all of you android users, you’ll have to wait a while because the beta version has yet to come.

Founded by three Tufts undergraduates, Amadou Crookes, Gabe Jacobs and Mario Gomez-Hall, the app intends to change back the way we discover music. Instead of getting recommendations from algorithms based off of your likes on various music apps, Cymbal bases itself on the idea that you value your friends taste in music more when it comes to discovering new music. All you have to do is post, like, comment, listen and discover! The artist-friendly database streams songs straight from the original host, eliminating any potential copyright infringements.

Young student listening to music, portrait
© Shannon Fagan | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Instead of posting a picture for all of your followers to see, Cymbal lets you share your song of the moment, called a cymbal, for the world to see. The more friends, artists and blogs you follow, the more music you can listen to and discover within your personalized home feed. In the app, users can search through Spotify and SoundCloud when choosing what song to cymbal, adding to the ever updating home feed playlist. Spotify premium members get the only leg up in the app—listening to the whole song versus only listening to a clip with Spotify free. By linking Cymbal with Spotify, users can save tracks straight to their account to listen to later.

The Instagram-like interface makes it easy to navigate between the personal and home pages that show the album covers of each song. In the top left corner of each cymbal the users profile picture is displayed, adding personalization to the home screen. The interactive home feed lets you like and comment on your friend’s, and strangers’, cymbals. Even better, on your personal page you can view all the songs that you have liked, creating a never ending playlist of all the new music you have discovered.

This new app is on the rise, so go and claim your go-to username before it’s too late, and begin discovering new music like never before.

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