Dave Lory: The Inside Scoop

With years of experience in multiple fields, Dave Lory is a great asset to have whether it's for insurance or entertainment purposes.

Dave Lory wears many hats; find out what he’s all about!

Dave Lory
Photo courtesy of Dave Lory.

Dave Lory has quite the experience with the arts and entertainment, spanning over 30 years. He has even had the extraordinary honor of working internationally with artists, record companies, local and state authorities and media. Lory is also an owner and operator of several businesses that work together to assist the entertainment business and others in meeting their goals and objectives in the field of live production, security, insurance and consulting.

Q: To my understanding, you wear many hats. How did you decide your numerous careers? What do you love about it?

A: The reason for my multiple careers was mainly the fact that the music business crashed the same time as the economy did in the late 2000’s.  With the illegal downloads, it drove 80 percent of us out of the entertainment business and thus why I moved to working in the live business again and opened an insurance business.  It is hard to make money as a music manager anymore. On the insurance end of things, I currently show companies what their competitors are doing in regards to benefits as well as how to offer them on a voluntary basis at no cost to the company.  I also produce a few live events each year including Propeller on May 20 at Pier A in Hoboken, N.J. which is a tech festival with music.  This in addition to overseeing security for all the New York City parks for the live shows that takes place, gives me the diversity so I am never bored.

Q: What are the pros and cons of your job?

A: The cons are obviously finding personal time as I have so many balls in the air to make everything work, so even my weekends I am catching up for the next week.  The pros are helping people and keeping them safe both with the security and insurance business.  Producing live events though is the most fun as you are putting something together for everyone to have a lot of fun at.

As a proud father, Lory is extremely thankful for his daughters. “It sounds silly but they are excellent kids who are smart and well grounded,” said Lory.

Lory wants clients to know that they can trust in him and know that what he’s doing is for the best. “I am detail-orientated and I will work very hard on an ongoing basis to keep their trust and their business,” said Lory.

Throughout his career, managing an artist and releasing records and making their careers a success is the most rewarding as the artist works very hard for years in order to accomplish this and fans do not see how hard it is to succeed. “In working with me I show them options to educate them in regards to their insurance needs and with the companies I work with they know I am there to handle their employees claims, questions and also take all of the HR role off of them and that they can expect excellent service,” said Lory.

For more information, please email Dave Lory at [email protected] or by calling his mobile number at (917) 744-1904.

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