Hundreds participated in the 5k Doughnut Run!

The Montclair Bread Company had their second annual “5K Doughnut Run” on Dec. 12. The sold out run began at 8 a.m. starting at Walnut Street and Greenwood Avenue.
Over 700 runners who participated in the 5K run were provided doughnuts by Montclair Bread Company, coffee from Stumptown Coffee Roasters and hot chocolate from Ronnybrook Dairy. Not only that, but all runners received a long sleeve race shirt and a finisher’s medal. The medals were pink doughnuts that said “Montclair Bread Company 5K Doughnut Run 2015” hanging from a blue neck strap that said “Will you run for doughnuts?”
At the race, doughnuts, coffee and hot chocolate were available after every mile marker and even at the post race party. The top three finishers in each age group also received a coffee mug that said “Montclair Bread Company Doughnut Run.”
People of all ages joined the event on Saturday and although the event was rain, snow, sleet or shine, racers were able to enjoy the 5K in the 60 degree weather.
“The Montclair Bread Company is a great example of a company who cares about the community,” said resident and runner, Lauren Onski. “I attended the inaugural 5K last year and somehow managed to talk my fiancé into running it this year with me. It’s great to see families out here so I can’t wait until the day when I can bring my children with me and hopefully they will still be doing the event when that time comes!”
Proceeds from Montclair Bread Company‘s 5K Doughnut Run were raised to benefit the Human Needs Food Pantry of Montclair.
“We have raised money for a local charity, the Human Needs Food Pantry,” said Director of Operations at MBC, Jessica Woodward. “[The 5K Doughnut Run was] also a great event for the community because we have a lot of new runners signed up. Many of our runners and walkers have never done a 5K so this is a fun way for them to get into running and exercising and meeting other people with similar interests. Montclair is such a family-friendly town so this was a way for us to get more people involved.”

Owner Rachel Crampsey, who just completed her first New York City Marathon, said that her motto is “fueled by doughnuts.” At the event, Crampsey officially launched the “Fueled by Doughnuts” Running Club which she hopes will help encourage the community and display the importance of health and fitness.
If you are interested in learning more information about Montclair Bread Company or the “Fueled by Doughnuts” Running Club, visit
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