Elements Therapeutic Massage

Elements Therapeutic Massage offers to relieve Montclair residents of stress and worry with their ambient and comfy atmosphere.

Elements Therapeutic Massage has centered itself in Montclair.

elements massage
Photo courtesy of Joseph Michalitsianos.

For over three years, Elements Therapeutic Massage has been a popular and bustling massage studio for Montclair residents to relax and unwind. Located at 496 Bloomfield Avenue, tucked between the Bow Tie Cinemas and South Park Street, Elements offers a unique and welcoming atmosphere. The location offers a small, vibrant lobby that showcases portraits and paintings from local artists in the area. The massages take place in comfortably small rooms that exude relief with soft lighting and music.

The massage studio offers one hour, one-and-a-half hour or two hour sessions to its customers. Each session is treated with the same amount of quality and care, which makes having too short a stay there seem like a bad idea. Elements encourages frequent customers to benefit from their Wellness Program, which is available for members. The Wellness Program makes sure that each customer is getting what they want from Elements by recommending massage therapists to the customer. If the recommended therapist isn’t right for the customer, Elements provides a free massage on another visit. This speaks volumes for the confidence in accommodation that it has.

For a place that aims to relax, the employees never seem to be relaxing. Customers are treated quickly and gently, in a rhythm of massages and therapists that seems unending. The studio offers 19 qualified massage therapists that never seem to run out of energy. On a Sunday, their shortest day in terms of hours, Elements had 43 reservations for massages. Still, the studio had a presence of relief and control. Much of this comes down to the enthusiasm and care of the staff.

Brandi Rogers, a massage therapist at Elements, seemed glad to talk about her work. “I love caring for people,” said Rogers. “It’s a good feeling when people come in, sometimes so stressed and tense that they can’t even walk, and I’m able to help them overcome and get rid of that.”

That level of care seeps throughout the entire establishment. Apart from being very knowledgeable about massages and different types of massage therapy, Elements staff seem eager and enthusiastic about their skills and options. Elements offers seven different types of massage therapy, including trigger point, deep tissue, sports massage and aromatherapy. Donna Kisor, the manager of Elements, explained aroma therapy and the different ways it can be used with detail and pride. It left me wondering if I was going to go with Radiance, for energy and mood elevation, or Vitality for anxiety relief and balance the next time I visited Elements Therapeutic Massage.

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