Fab Faux returns to Montclair!

The Fab Faux, based off of the “Fab Four,” is a musical tribute band dedicated solely to The Beatles’ repertoire. The group is composed of five very talented musicians: Will Lee, Rich Pagano, Frank Agnello, Jimmy Vivino and Jack Petruzzelli. Each member plays his own key role in the band. The group often shares the stage with The Hogshead Horns, who play the horn accompaniment, and The Creme Tangerine Strings, who play the string accompaniment. The upcoming event will feature The Fab Faux with the aforementioned artists, as well as Erin Hill, and Andy York as they perform The White Album in its entirety.
Aside from performing some of the most notable Beatles music like “Strawberry Fields Forever” and “I Am the Walrus,” The Fab Faux also brings music to the stage that the Beatles never played live. Each show has a different theme: psychedelic work, the Cavern Club days, solo work and entire albums. The next stop on this tour is the Wellmont Theater, where the theme is The White Album. The Fab Faux will bring back memories for Beatles fans of all ages. Their goal is to maintain a sound as identical to the original as possible. All that attend one of these shows will realize that their music is truly something spectacular.
“All rock bands want to be like the Beatles,” said rock critic Dave Marsh. “These guys have the nerve to be the Beatles.”
The Fab Faux has been featured on the Late Show with David Letterman, the Howard Stern Show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien and at Radio City Music Hall. This is not just a “cover band,” as these past performances and guest appearances go to show just how well sought after the Faux are. Aside from their musical appearances, the group also received the 2014 ASCAP Harry Chapin Humanitarian Award for the money the made through performing for various charities. The Faux are known for continuously giving back through their music.
The Wellmont continuously brings five-star quality shows to the stage. This weekend is your chance to see one of the most well-know Beatles tribute bands. The tour will be at the Wellmont Theater, located at 5 Seymour Street in Montclair. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. Do not miss out! Visit thewellmonttheater.com to purchase tickets and for more information about this one night event. Full biographies of the musicians are available on thefabfaux.com.
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