Here’s a company that takes the guesswork out of dental hygiene: Hello Products.

Hello Products is a natural oral care company devoted to producing tasty toothpastes without the guilt. In belief that we should never have to choose between what’s good for us and what we love, Hello Products are eco-friendly and safe for all ages. The company is determined to pull away from the corporate culture that exploits land and labor in the name of profit. All ingredients used by Hello Products are sustainably farmed. Small business turned large scale, Hello Products now appears in several large retailers and has opened headquarters right here in Montclair.
Toothpaste, toothbrushes and breath sprays are a few of the products created by this brand. Adult options come in fresh flavors like super-mint and mojito mint while kid’s flavors include blue raspberry and bubblegum. With no dyes, no parabens, no artificial sweeteners and no triclosan, these products are a safe option for concerned parents. All items are safe for braces and sensitive teeth. To go the extra step, even the toothpaste tubes are BPA free. For the animal lovers out there, all products are also “leaping-bunny certified” and vegan meaning that no items are ever tested on animals or made using animal byproducts.
The ingredients in all toothpastes and breath sprays are sustainably farmed and non GMO. Curious customers can check out Hello Product’s official website to see the fields in Willamette Valley Oregon—the place there Hello’s mint leaves are sourced. Other ingredient information can be seen on the website as well.
Hello Products identifies itself as “naturally friendly.” To prove just how friendly he is, CEO and founder, Craig Dubitsky is always available to speak to interested customers via Skype through Hello’s official website. Keeping the business as honest and transparent as possible seems to be his personal duty.
“We’re on a mission to make the most beautiful and most natural toothpastes we can, and while we’re selling our products nationally to giant retailers like Walmart, Target, Shoprite, Stop’n’Shop, BJ’s, Rite Aid and Amazon, we’re delighted to be able to dream, live and work in Montclair,” stated Dubitsky. “We love the creative, anything’s possible attitude and are constantly inspired by the community’s open minded and soulful vibe. We never forget how fortunate we are!”
To learn more about Hello Products, check out their website at If you’d like to pop in the shop, visit at 323 Bloomfield Ave.
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