Montclair High School vs. West Essex Regional High School’s Boys Varsity Soccer game portrayed in a complete photo essay.
Photos are simply one of the best ways readers can get complete a picture of a story. It allows readers to experience what exactly happened within that moment. A reader can feel every emotion that subject is feeling, envision what it would have been like to experience that split second themselves, or even appreciate the fine work of art that can be captured through a simple click of a lens. Montclair High School‘s Varsity Soccer game this past Friday afternoon was extremely unique. A full gallery of images that brings all the elements into focus is always my goal when I attend a game. You will have to leave me a comment and let me know if I have succeeded.

On Fri. Sept. 9th, the Montclair High School Varsity Boys Soccer team hosted the West Essex Regional High School on Fortunato Field.
Head Soccer Coach Toure Weaver was appearing in his first regular season game as Head Coach after spending the past 13 years coming up through the ranks.

Captain Quinn Baity welcomed the officials and the opposing captains and coaches of West Essex Regional to Montclair in typical fashion.

Scott Kennedy
Chief Photographer
The Montclair Dispatch
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