Montclair Altruist Award by PLANETCIVIC

Thanks to PLANETCIVIC's Montclair Altruist Award, we can show our gratitude to those who continuously aim to make Montclair amazing.

PLANETCIVIC is thinking of you during the holidays.

Montclair Altruist Award
Photo courtesy of PLANETCIVIC.

During the holiday season, it is important that we remember to be grateful to not only family and friends, but to those around us. PLANETCIVIC wants to promote this simple principle with their Montclair Altruist Award as it allows them to do-good for a local d0-gooder. This new community service award aims to recognize a person who had been selfless and brought positivity to the great town of Montclair. After all, it is truly a remarkable place to live, work and play.

PLANETCIVIC will determine the winner based on community members who vote to thank nominees. The judging process is democratic, as the decision belongs to Montclair citizens. The person with the most “thank you” votes by Friday, Dec. 30 at noon will become the first winner of the Montclair Altruist Award. The prize is a $150 gift certificate to a local restaurant and a $500 donation to a local charity of the winner’s choice.

Those interested must be a resident of Montclair to nominate or vote and over the age of 13 years old. Nominations are a great way to honor the legion of volunteers who help make Montclair the caring town that it is today.

The nomination process is quite simple. Kindly register in PLANETCIVIC and click on the Give Thanks icon and then on the Thank Someone icon. Nominators will then write a short description of the individual they admire and the important work they do. Then, start sharing the news of your nomination with friends through PLANETCIVIC and other platforms.

“Recognizing people who do great things for the community is core to PLANETCIVIC’s mission. So we thought Montclair’s altruists would appreciate the opportunity to donate to a local charity of their choice.  These people are givers. But we also wanted to add a little something just for the altruist in the award, so we came up with the restaurant certificate. We can’t think of a better way to say thank you than taking a wonderful person out to dinner!”

On or before Jan. 15, PLANETCIVIC will announce the winner.  According to Javier Guardo, “There are some pretty cool nominations in the system already.” In the event of a tie, PLANETCIVIC will split the award evenly among winners.

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