Montclair Arts Advisory Committee Sets a Forum

Get involved on Sun. Dec. 4 with the Montclair Arts Advisory Committee as they host a free event to promote cultural enrichment for the town.

Find out what the Montclair Arts Advisory Committee has to say!

Photo courtesy of Montclair Arts Advisory Committee.

The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee cordially invites you to the free event on Sun. Dec. 4 for the Arts Forum. It will be held from 1 P.M. – 4 P.M. at the Montclair Fire Headquarters, located on 1 Pine Street.

By attending, one will be able to review past government arts plans and policies, discuss current plans for an arts district(s), learn about the committee’s initiatives and help formulate future arts plans.

The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee was founded in 2015. It aims to promote cultural enrichment, education and a strong economy within the Montclair Township. They support a broad range of artistic activities to do so. Specificall, they focus on areas of Space, Services, Funding, Advocacy, and Arts Education.

“We hope to receive input from the arts community and encourage the community to join together to form a strong and unified arts advocacy network,” said committee founder, Elaine Molinaro. “By doing so, we want to ensure the arts and arts education have a strong voice in Montclair.”

For more information, contact Elaine Molinaro at 646-418-1658 or email: [email protected].Visit the Montclair Arts Advisory Committee Facebook page.


  • 1:00-2:00 Welcome and Presentation 1: What can we carry over from past arts policy and plans?
  • 2:00-2:30 Presentation 2: How can all local artists participate in current arts plans and arts districts?
  • 2:30-3:15 Presentation 3: Where are we going? – Initiatives and proposals by the Arts Advisory Committee
  • 3:15-4:00 Closing, Meet and Greet

 Committee members
Anonda Bell, Sara Brady, Ian Finnell, Shirlise McKinley, Elaine Molinaro, Kathryn Osborne, Jim Price, Bruce Tyler

 Off-committee members
Claudia Defendi, Ruth Perretti

 Town Council Arts Liaison
Robin Schlager

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