Montclair Ayurveda brings a different type of healing.

If you are looking for some healing practices that are a little different than your traditional medicine, be sure to check out Montclair Ayurveda today!
According to William A.M. Courson, BVS(A), D.Ayur., C.H. and solo practitioner at Montclair Ayurveda, Ayurveda is a system of healing that comes down from ancient India. “I like to call it Yoga’s sister science since the two grew up together in thousands of years ago in India just at the dawn of written history,” said Courson.
Ayurveda, or ayurvedic medicine, is a holistic tradition a systemic and highly complex model of health, disease and health restoration of proven efficacy. Since before written alphabets, urban settlements and pastoral agriculture existed, the peoples and cultures of India have been among the world’s most keen observers of nature, accumulating immeasurably vast quantities of information relating to and knowledge of healing. Over countless generations, the scholars and seers of that ancient part of the world set about compiling the totality of their observations of the natural world and elaborating their practical applications. Ayurveda strongly focuses on the unique psycho-biological constitution of each individual, and lends its efforts to devising strategies for each individual in promoting, maintaining or restoring an optimal level of health.
Courson initially studied ayurveda at the New Jersey Institute of Ayurveda, which was the diploma-level practitioner training program run by the Starseed Center for Yoga and Wellness, when it was located in Montclair. Those studies were followed by a baccalaureate degree in ayurveda from the Sai Ayurvedic College of Miami. In addition to his current practice in Montclair, Courson is a clinician at ayurvedic schools in Florida and Michigan.
According to Courson, conventional bio-medicine is an extremely efficient means of dealing with acute, life-imperilling, traumatic events or structural anomalies that require the measures – both medical and surgical – that it has so successfully developed. While it is very important to address symptoms, underlying origins of disease cannot be ignored simply for the sake of convenience or economic affordability. Since ayurveda is not yet a licensed health care modality in the United States, an ayurvedic consultation is viewed as an information-sharing and educative process rather than a medical one.
Courson has lived in Montclair since 1978, having moved here from his home town at the Jersey shore. “This locale just naturally suggested itself,” said Courson. “The population’s relatively high level of educational and professional achievement, making it the home of very sophisticated, very aware health care consumers.”
If you are interested in ayurvedic consulting and evaluative services for children and adults, visit Montclair Ayuverda or see their website for more information at:
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