Mosaic Strategies Group

Mosaic Strategies Group offers excellent consultations for businesses or organizations looking to get their names out in the world, especially digitally.

Mosaic Strategies Group offers web development.

Mosaic Strategies Group, a digital company with its headquarters on Bloomfield Avenue, offer various services to help clients get their businesses noticed, whether it be through social media, web development or more.

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“Our company provides a broad range of services,” said Geoffrey Borshof, CEO and founder of Mosaic Strategies Group. “[We offer] everything from website development to email, social media and database development.”

According to Borshof, when a client wants to reach a specific audience, Mosaic Strategies Group works to incorporate and integrate strategies in helping people find and reach their target base online. Mosaic is able to reach the client’s base through different websites, whether it’s through social media, email blasts or making sure they’re getting found online by assisting with their Search Engine Optimization (SEO). “We also provide traditional media and marketing services,” said Borshof. “We [offer] a full branding experience, from logo development and new letters to brochures. We offer this as an integrated approach with an online strategy to cover all the bases.”

Borshof is no stranger to consulting businesses, as he has a background in political consulting following his undergraduate studies at Rutgers and a masters in Literature from Montclair State University. According to Borshof, a large portion of the Mosaic Strategies Group’s clients are political campaigns and nonprofits. They also offer services to corporations, but Borshof’s history lies in politics.

“It was a long transition,” said Borshof. “I wanted to get involved with education policy after being a teacher and tried to figure out how to have an impact with the curriculum. After I started to write curriculum for the district, I wanted to do policies, which made me start with campaigns.”

After focusing on campaigns, Borshof then worked on strategic messaging; the writing came easily with his English degree. This led to Borshof writing grass root programs and reaching as many people as possible, which became a logical transition into digital communications. Borshof believes that digital communications is where you can reach the most people, and it is the most cost effective and accurate method of communication.

Mosaic Strategies Group is located on Bloomfield Avenue, in the heart of the town. “Montclair is fantastic,” said Borshof. “It’s economically diverse in every way, from businesses to the demographic of the people. It has a tremendous amount of variety and options, and is a great location [which allows us to have] clients in Jersey and in the city. I love the diversity of it.”

Additionally, Borshof said that Mosaic Strategies “love[s] to focus on progressive issues,” especially since “Montclair is a really progressive town and it fits well with our values as a company.”

Borshof wants people to know that Mosaic Strategies takes a “holistic approach” to the needs of the clients. They focus on looking at their client’s desired message in its entirety and determine how to effective communicate with the public. Mosaic Strategies looks at your existing base of clients and supporters to find out how to expand that base with a lot of different tools. They strive to avoid a “one-size-fits-all” approach, and instead use an integrated approach to fit your specific needs for small businesses, corporate and even nonprofits.
“Francesca and I do the project management and strategic/business development, and Vanessa handles our operations, human resources, health insurance and the logistics,” said Borshof.
Mosaic Strategies Group is located at 408 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite A. They can be reached by phone at 973-559-1187.

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