Eugene and Yosi Come to Montclair

Prepare yourself for a heartfelt performance by Eugene and Yosi on Saturday, May 28 at the Montclair Public Library for all ages to enjoy.

The Montclair Public Library invites family and friends to meet Eugene and Yosi.

eugene and yosi
Photo courtesy of Readhead Photography.

Eugene is a super-friendly and super-strong monster who is only understood by children.  The award-winning music that Yosi creates will be enjoyed by all at the Montclair Public Library. Along with puppeteer Johnny Beirne, Eugene will be brought to life with a one of a kind duo performance of music, stories, and humor. Together, Eugene and Yosi will be bringing families and friends close while expressing themselves in their own unique way. As Eugene says, “Being different is not just good, it’s fantastic!”

The bond that Eugene and Yosi create is truly remarkable and quite evident to every audience member who has witness their performances. This  free event will take place on Saturday, May 28 at 2 p.m. Registration is required and all ages are welcomed.

“Eugene (The Red Monster) is so very excited about coming to perform at the Montclair Library! He says the show is going to be fantastic, because he’s seen it himself. He can’t wait to sing, tell a story and have lots of fun with all the kids and families,” said Yosi Levin. Be prepared for a day of fun-filled entertainment.

“We’ve had the excellent children’s musician Yosi performer at the library many times before. We’ve had, however, Yosi and his monster friend Eugene perform here only once before and it made for a concert of another caliber,” said Deivis Garcia, Library Technician, Youth Services Dept. at Montclair Public Library. “The combination of a familiar children’s singer in a comedic and musical back-and-forth with a giant red monster had a mesmerizing effect on the children and the adults in attendance were easily brought back to the golden days of Sesame Street. This family event will be a magnificent way for families to spend part of their Memorial Day weekend.”

For more info, please visit, email lisa.[email protected] or call 973-744-0500.

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