Packing Tips

Packing can really make or break a trip. Follow these tips to help you pack successfully and enjoy your trip.

Packing tips makes vacationing a breeze.

Photo by Eve Mahaney for The Montclair Dispatch.

For many people, the summer season is synonymous with the opportunity to travel. Kids and adults throughout Montclair share this sense of freedom when the sun starts shining. It is important to remember that while traveling can be fun, dangerous, comfortable or whatever you want it to be, bringing what is needed on the trip is integral to the journey itself. Some people hate packing, some love it, but however you feel about it, it is important to making your trip a successful and memorable one. Here are some tips for packing!

Don’t underpack – overpack!

Depending on the costs of bringing bags on the airplane, overpacking is a good way to avoid the misery of arriving at your destination with far less in your suitcase than you actually need. Many travelers have a hard time throughout their journey and stay because of a lack of clothes, money or supplies. Depending on where you go, you can obviously resupply at stores and markets – but that beachfront bar isn’t going to sell extra underwear!

Plan for the weather!

Many people think they can safely assume the weather at their destination. For example many people would think that going to the Outer Banks in South Carolina will spell sunny days; until Tropical Storm Bonnie makes it rain for 6 days straight and all you have to wear is a bikini and a straw hat. Caught up in the excitement of going somewhere nice, travelers often make themselves believe the weather will be exactly what they want it to be. This is why it is vital to always check the weather before your trip, and plan the clothes and items you bring accordingly. 

Bring a good book!

In the age of technology and social media, the use of books and the joy of reading has been thoroughly overlooked. There is no better time to start reading again and get into a good book while you’re traveling! Many people seem to forget that while Candy Crush is fun, it’s going to get boring after 2 hours of a plane ride. Also, WiFi doesn’t work at 30,000 feet, and a book doesn’t run out of battery. These are some of the many reasons that bringing a book with you can help out with the arduousness of waiting on planes, trains and automobiles. There are a great selection of books available at Watchung Booksellers, right across the street from Chase Bank in Watchung Plaza. There you’ll find a wide selection of books, and perhaps the perfect book for your journey.

Don’t forget a good attitude!

The task of packing everything needed for a trip can be tough and annoying. That’s why it’s important to remember that while you’re packing, traveling, or chilling on the beach, have a great attitude towards whatever you’re doing. Many journeys and vacations are ruined simply because people forget that a good attitude is the most important thing to have whilst traveling! Sure, traveling can be boring, scary and infuriating, but it’s that way for everyone. The difference between a great trip and a OK trip is all in the attitude and how you think about it!

Packing can really make or break a trip. There is much more to remember when packing and preparing, but these tips are designed to help you with the fundamentals of packing your suitcase. Safe travels!

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