Beading Tips

Interested in a new hobby? Perhaps beading is the solution! There are tons of things and tips to remember to ensure you are successful in your craft.

Beading success tips, part two. Last week, The Montclair Dispatch gave a great outline on the different ways beads are manufactured and beading tools. However, there are other things that are also important to consider when getting into beading. Hardness: The MOS hardness scale rates various stones both semi-precious and precious according to scratch resistance. It goes […]

Bead Collecting: Things to Know

Bead collecting might be difficult, but these tips can expand your creativity and help even a beading expert learn some important things.

Bead Collecting: Things to Know

Bead collecting with Tia Marie Beading Studio. Many people don’t think of beads as a collectible item, but one might be surprised at the vast amount of information that’s out there about beads. Most people who wear jewelry are not aware of the journey some of those beads took just to be a part of that […]