Walter Springer presents his BOE petition to a divided community

Walter Springer presents his BOE petition to a divided community

Walter Springer presented his petition with 1045 signatures to the Montclair Board of Education on June 7th. Through the petition members of the community expressed their outrage at the controversial personnel decisions made by the Board of Education on May 15th. Walter Springer’s Petition calls for a full and complete public review of the former Interim […]

The Montclair Board of Education delays the release of public records.

The Montclair Board of Education delays the release of public records.

The Montclair Dispatch has waited two weeks for the public records to be returned – we have not received one sentence of the documents requested. The Montclair Dispatch serves to provide the public with the access to information they have a right to know. The Montclair Board of Education has delayed the release of the public records […]