Google I/O Extended 2015 Meetup

The 2015 Google I/O Extended Meetup is coming to Montclair State University for the second time. Check it out to learn new and interesting issues!

Google I/O Extended 2015 Meetup

Google conference at Montclair State. Calling all tech enthusiasts: Montclair State University is hosting the 2015 Google I/O Extended Meetup on Thursday, May 28. It will be held in University Hall 1070 and is from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. During this time there will be a number of great events taking place that you won’t want […]

Google Glass: The Next iPad?

The newest product from the Internet giant is eagerly anticipated, but Google Glass will face challenges in becoming the next go-to device.

Google Glass: The Next iPad?

Google Glass in the Digital Age. It is the gadget that many have been asking for: a wearable computer that looks like a pair of glasses. Google Glass can be used to check emails, browse the internet, take photos, record video, navigate roads and much more. This may not sound terribly impressive to iPad users, […]