Plastic Bag Ban Passes Initial Hearing, but Many Residents and Business Owners are Still Unaware of the Ordinance and How It Will Affect Them

Plastic Bag Ban Passes Initial Hearing, but Many Residents and Business Owners are Still Unaware of the Ordinance and How It Will Affect Them

A plastic bag ban introduced and pushed by the Montclair Environmental Commission has passed its first hearing. Well on its way to becoming law, Montclair merchants are still unaware of the implications of the legislation and the changes it will bring. On Tuesday, June 25th, both the town council and town residents alike began a […]

Single-Use Plastic Bag Ordinance Raises Questions Among Montclair Business Owners

Single-Use Plastic Bag Ordinance Raises Questions Among Montclair Business Owners

Within the past week, an ordinance addressing the ban on single-use plastic bags, put forth by the Montclair Environmental Commission (MEC) was released. Under the proposed ordinance, the MEC is attempting to limit the use of plastic bags that do not comply with certain criteria. The proposed ordinance is now looking to require that all […]