Montclair Must Step Up And Self-Fund The Community Policing Initiative.

Montclair Must Step Up And Self-Fund The Community Policing Initiative.

As the federal government returns local budgetary control back to Montclair, Montclairites must decide to self-fund the Community Policing Initiative. As jobless claims drop to their lowest level in 45 years and as income tax rates have recently fallen, more Montclairites are working and their collective take home paychecks are a little larger. With less […]

Montclair PD Prevents $500,000 Loss by Aggressively Ticketing and Towing During Snow Storm

Montclair PD Prevents $500,000 Loss by Aggressively Ticketing and Towing During Snow Storm

Montclair Police Department prevents $500,000.00 loss in revenue for local merchants with aggressive ticket and tow campaign during the January 4th snowstorm. Editors note: Two years ago The Montclair Dispatch covered a similar storm on January 26, 2016, regarding Essex County’s failure to clear the snow in the parking lanes during that storm. You can […]