Mousekin and Men: Inside Nancy Pi-Sunyer’s Creation

Nancy Pi-Sunyer is developing a notecard series for her favorite furry friend, for any age to enjoy at every occasion: Mousekin does it all.

Mousekin and Men: Inside Nancy Pi-Sunyer’s Creation

Don’t miss out on the mighty Mousekin prints and notecards. Remember when you used flashcards to help memorize multiplication tables? Nancy Pi-Sunyer has brought those little guys back in style with her latest product, a notecard series featuring the lovable Mousekin. It all started six years ago, when she taught in the Forestry School at […]

Nancy Pi-Sunyer: Montclair Author

Nancy Pi-Sunyer is a local Montclair author, who proudly shares her passion for writing by dedicating the time to perfecting a piece enjoyable by children.

Nancy Pi-Sunyer: Montclair Author

Nancy Pi-Sunyer plans on revising her children’s book in the new year. Local author Nancy Pi-Sunyer was born and raised in Montclair, as was her mother; her father moved to Montclair when he was seven. The year 2020 will mark the 100th anniversary of Pi-Sunyer’s family owning their current home. “While I lived elsewhere for about […]