The Montclair Board of Education delays the release of public records.

The Montclair Board of Education delays the release of public records.

The Montclair Dispatch has waited two weeks for the public records to be returned – we have not received one sentence of the documents requested. The Montclair Dispatch serves to provide the public with the access to information they have a right to know. The Montclair Board of Education has delayed the release of the public records […]

The Montclair Board of Education Has a Transparency Problem

The Montclair Board of Education Has a Transparency Problem

In the wake of the recent controversial personnel decisions made by the Montclair Board of Education, many have questioned the legitimacy of the operation due to a lack of transparency.   After Laura Hertzog and Franklin Turner were sworn in as President and Vice President of the Montclair Board of Education, there were pledges of […]

Montclair’s BID Remains a Public Agency

The Montclair Center BID's appeal has recently been declined by the New Jersey Supreme Court, The BID remains a "Public Agency".

Montclair’s BID Remains a Public Agency

NJ Supreme Court declines to hear appeal in Montclair BID OPRA dispute. The Supreme Court of New Jersey declined on Friday to hear and therefore lets stand an Appellate Court’s ruling declaring the Montclair BID is a “Public Agency”. and, therefore, subject to the OPRA laws. Fridays decision not to hear the appeal means a June 2014 ruling […]