Montclair Dispatch student-writer Joe Michalitsianos reflects on the accountability role of local media in keeping the community informed. A journalist’s job is hard. It is not the deadlines, the writing or the uncomfortable conversations needed to occur in the pursuit of information. No, a journalist’s job is hard because a journalist must hold everyone […]
It took Walter Springer 1 week to reach 1000 signatures on his petition to reinstate Athletic Director Jeff Gannon and Assistant Principal of English Kim Westervelt. On Wednesday June 7th 2017, Springer will present that petition to the Montclair Board of Education. On May 15th 2017, word circulated in Montclair that there had been major cuts […]
The Montclair Dispatch has waited two weeks for the public records to be returned – we have not received one sentence of the documents requested. The Montclair Dispatch serves to provide the public with the access to information they have a right to know. The Montclair Board of Education has delayed the release of the public records […]