Montclair Dispatch Student-Writer Reflects on Local Media’s Accountability Role

Montclair Dispatch Student-Writer Reflects on Local Media’s Accountability Role

Montclair Dispatch student-writer Joe Michalitsianos reflects on the accountability role of local media in keeping the community informed.   A journalist’s job is hard. It is not the deadlines, the writing or the uncomfortable conversations needed to occur in the pursuit of information. No, a journalist’s job is hard because a journalist must hold everyone […]

Cristi Kennedy, Isabelle Siddons, Julianna Wittmann, and Samantha Wittmann Earn Senior Spotlight

Cristi Kennedy, Isabelle Siddons, Julianna Wittmann, and Samantha Wittmann Earn Senior Spotlight

Montclair High School seniors intern at The Montclair Dispatch for the Career Internship Program Seniors at Montclair High School are given the opportunity to participate in the Career Internship Program; a four week internship in the field of their choice. In years past, the internships have ranged from directing and producing a musical, to furthering […]

Screen D’Or Pictures Does It All

‘Knights of New Jersey’ from Screen D’Or Pictures represents Montclair in film festivals across the country, from Seattle to Miami.

Screen D’Or Pictures Does It All

Screen D’Or Pictures reels in fans for ‘Knights of New Jersey.’ The Montclair-based video production business Screen D’Or Pictures, known for working on everything from entertaining videos to emotional documentaries, recently expanded into online entertainment. Their new comedy web series Knights of New Jersey follows a group of Renaissance Faire obsessed friends. In episode one, […]

Nancy Pi-Sunyer: Montclair Author

Nancy Pi-Sunyer is a local Montclair author, who proudly shares her passion for writing by dedicating the time to perfecting a piece enjoyable by children.

Nancy Pi-Sunyer: Montclair Author

Nancy Pi-Sunyer plans on revising her children’s book in the new year. Local author Nancy Pi-Sunyer was born and raised in Montclair, as was her mother; her father moved to Montclair when he was seven. The year 2020 will mark the 100th anniversary of Pi-Sunyer’s family owning their current home. “While I lived elsewhere for about […]