Director Tate Taylor brings us The Girl on the Train, a psychological mystery that leaves its audience in a blur of emotions.

What does it take to own up to our own reputations? Better yet, how can we break our own prestigious molds? The Girl on the Train breaks down these innate queries in the format of a psychological thriller, which sounds more promising than most would expect. With an all-star cast and a nail-biting story arc, it seems almost impossible to not fall for this venture into understanding humanly limits. However, too many plot twists can ultimately lead to more harm than good, giving into the film’s bent design.
Let’s look to the plot: Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) is an alcoholic divorcee stuck in the mistakes of her past. She takes the daily commuter train into the Big Apple, jealously viewing the “perfect” lifestyle of seductive neighbor Megan Hipwell (Haley Bennett). However, when Rachel catches Hipwell cheating on her husband, Scott (Luke Evans), Hipwell suddenly goes missing to the public eye. Unable to trust in her drunken blackouts, Rachel asks herself one vital question: Did she kill Megan Hipwell?
From a distance, The Girl on the Train sounds indisputably dramatic, pushing the spirited storyline along like the locomotive in-question. Nevertheless, there are some spots of doubt here and there. For instance, did I mention Rachel’s ex-marriage to Megan’s neighbor, Tom (Justin Theroux)? How about Tom’s new marriage to their crafty realtor, Anna (Rebecca Ferguson)? Maybe even the fact that Rebecca kidnapped Tom’s new baby in an envious rage? As you can see, the thriller plays with fire, and doesn’t play well. The story tries to hold on to such a massive foundation that it struggles to simply work, let alone excite.
“The Girl on the Train is a very eventful movie, with a lot of suspenseful twists and turns as it skips across timelines,” said Shannon Zang, 16. “You’d expect one thing to happen, but it would usually end up on the alternative. It’s outstanding drama, to say the least.”
In simplest form, The Girl on the Train is outstanding drama. It holds its ground, despite the chaos that tries to tear it down. Sure, you’ll leave satisfied with how the suspense plays out, but you’ll question its worth in the long run. It’s essentially an immediate rush, with too much freight to make it worth a second ride.
The Girl on the Train is now playing in movie theaters worldwide. Some more local venues include AMC Clifton Commons, AMC Essex Greens in West Orange and even Bow Tie Bellevue Cinemas in the heart of Upper Montclair! For a list of even more theaters and show-times, visit today.
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