Turkey Ride for the Third Time!

Help out those who are in need by supporting the Montclair Bikery's third annual turkey ride that will benefit the Human Needs Food Pantry.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner so be sure to support the third annual Turkey Ride!

turkey ride
Photo courtesy of Montclair Bikery.his great community,” says Dave Adornato, the owner of the Montclair Bikery.

The Montclair Bikery presents the third annual turkey ride to benefit the Human Needs Food Pantry. The event is set to take place on Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015. Registration opens at 9 a.m. and rides begin at 10 a.m.

It’s our turn to give back to our community and help those in need during this holiday season. Last year, 175 cyclists delivered over 350 turkeys to the Human Needs Food Pantry, providing Thanksgiving meals to over 700 families in Montclair and nearby towns!

Invite family, friends and fellow cyclists to come out for this great cause. It’s an easy 15 mile flat route from the Montclair Bikery to the Brookdale Shoprite to purchase turkeys. Cyclists give turkeys a ride in their backpacks, delivering them to Human Needs Food Pantry and finishing off with a post-ride snack and hot drinks at Egan & Sons.

Photo courtesy of facebook.com/montclairbikery
Photo courtesy of facebook.com/montclairbikeryuman Needs Food Pantry)

“It’s always inspiring to see so many people who are willing to give of themselves and share in such a fun event.  That helps motivate us to give back to this great community,” said Dave Adornato, the owner of the Montclair Bikery.

The ride starts at The Montclair Bikery, located at 145 Valley Road in Montclair. Riders must be 18 years old or older and wear a helmet.

-$20 per turkey to purchase at ShopRite
– A backpack to transport the turkey (or if you want to ride solo, have the delivery van do the extra lifting)
– Bike, helmet and your usual cycling gear

Photo courtesy of facebook.com/montclairbikery
Photo courtesy of facebook.com/montclairbikery

Pre-Ride donuts and coffee will be provided by the Montclair Bikery. Post-Ride snacks will be at Egan & Sons after turkey drop-off (next to Human Needs Food Pantry).

Thank you to all of the sponsors, including: A&M Industrials, Amanti Vino, Athletic Genius, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services/Sharon Gill, Brookdale Shoprite, Corneal Associates of New Jersey, Dade Paper, Egan & Sons, JAG Physical Therapy, Partners for Health, Sandler O’Neil & Partners, Speech & Hearing Associates, Temple Ner Tamid and Thomas Direct.

If you aren’t able to ride, there are still ways to get involved and give back! Partners for Health will match donations. For additional questions, email the Montclair Bikery at [email protected]. Register in advance online at: www.bikereg.com/montclair-bikery-turkey-ride


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