Zak Smith, Montclair native, advances musical career.

Zak Smith, rock artist and Montclair native, has recently released his new album, Signs of Life, which is currently available on Spotify, iTunes and the Google Play Store. Smith is also working on the music video for his single, “Have You Looked Outside,” which will be available soon.
According to Smith, Signs of Life has a different feel than his previous music. “I wanted to have a more acoustic feel on this last album because I wanted to record a group of songs where my voice was the main focus,” said Smith. “The album I put out before this one had some very big production and arrangements on it and I wanted to do something that was the opposite.”
Smith was born and raised in Montclair, and feels that the town has good venues, especially since it isn’t far from New York and is home to Montclair State. Smith also works alongside extremely talented musicians to make his music. The Zak Smith Band consists of lead guitarist Gavi Grodsky, piano player Dov Manski, drummer Keith Robinson and bass player Pete O’Neil. According to Smith, the backup singer on the new album and who plays live with the band occasionally is Mel Flannery. Smith himself plays guitar and harmonica for the band.
“My favorite thing about my music is that it makes me feel in touch with something big and full of life,” said Smith.
For those trying to break into the music scene, Smith recommends to try and meet the right people. “Figure out how to turn the people you play shows in front of into fans that will come back and see you,” said Smith.
For tour information and news, visit Smith’s website at, or follow him on Facebook at and Twitter @ZakSmithBand.
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