APB Rocks the House

APB along with opening bands the Defending Champions, the Porchistas and Reno's Men gave the Wellmont audience an experience they won't forget.

APB and opening bands left the crowd wanting more.

The APB concert turned out to be a successful four hour event at the Wellmont Theater, featuring the three opening bands the Defending Champions, the Porchistas and Reno’s Men. These bands might not have record labels, but they still put on a talented opening act for APB.

Crowd at concert
© Melinda Nagy | Dreamstime Stock Photos

The first band to warm up the crowd for APB was Defending Champions. They had the crowd all fired up and ready to dance the night away. The band has seven members, which can only mean one thing: diverse use of instruments. They had a jazzy section, which consisted of members playing the saxophone, trumpet and trombone. This type of sound made the crowd dance the most. In the middle of the performance, I noticed that the drummer had lost his stick but it only lasted for five seconds until he retrieved it. Still, he played it off cool, and hardly anyone noticed. Needless to say, this band successfully pumped up the crowd.

Next up, we had the Porchistas. The four members were very laidback and were enjoying their time up on the stage. They were so grateful for their opportunity to perform that they were endlessly thanking Montclair for allowing them to participate in the event. Although they were having some issues with their microphones, it didn’t stop them from playing and singing. The two guitarists and singer shared a microphone, which only heightened their performance. After all, sharing is caring, right? Bravo to the Porchistas.

After the Porchistas, Reno’s Men came out on stage ready to rock the crowd. Due to some technical difficulties, it took more time for the band to set up their equipment. This instance made the crowd drift away slowly, only for them to come rushing back as soon as Reno’s Men started playing. It turned out to be a good thing because the crowd grew in size upon returning to the floor, listening to the great sound and patiently waiting for APB.

This Scottish band was so full of energy that it was almost astounding. They were very passionate about their music. The addition of the lead singer’s tambourine added just the right touch to their sound. The way the lead singer fearlessly banged the tambourine on his chest just made you even more drawn into the performance. They started with a bang – and finished with a bang.

And finally, we were greeted with the arrival of APB three hours after doors opened. Again, the crowd seemed to have vanished during the short break, which led the lead singer to sarcastically comment how “the place was packed,” which I had to laugh at.

Although APB was small in numbers with three members, it was more than enough for them to create a lasting impression. What was so eye-catching about this band was the way they performed their music so effortlessly. APB made being a hardcore rock band look so easy.

I couldn’t help but tap my foot to the music. Not to mention, the lead singer was very entertaining and humorous with his small jokes. It was obvious that the band didn’t want to waste any time during their performance. Each and every one of their songs sounded different, which made them more fun to listen to. With that, APB ended on a good, loud note – literally.

Be sure to tune into the Wellmont Theater on March 14 to be part of the Pink Floyd Laser Experience!

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