Apricot Sky Productions

Apricot Sky Productions brings quality theater shows to the town of Montclair, with the help of founder Eric Alter.

For great shows, look no further than performances by Apricot Sky Productions.

apricot sky productions and eric alter
Photo courtesy of Eric Alter.

Montclair-based Apricot Sky Productions helps provide great performances in the area. According to founder Eric Alter, the goal of Apricot Sky Productions is to put on quality theater shows in Montclair – usually about two shows per year.

Alter, executive producer, has also had excellent experience in the world of theater and performing arts. “I have helped with numerous plays and other people’s works,” said Alter. “In addition to my own work, Apricot Sky Productions has produced many other artists works over the years.”

According to the Apricot Sky Productions website, “Alter, Executive Producer is the founder of Apricot Sky Productions.  He founded the company in 1999.  He serves as the resident playwright of the company and the Executive Producer.  He has written 100 plays. Eric’s plays have been produced and performed throughout the country and Canada.  Other theaters include:  The American Theatre  of Actors, The Riant Theater, The Brooklyn Lyceum, The Emerging Artists Theater, Lamia Ink, The Theater Studio, Inc, The Midtown International Festival, The Boca Raton Theater Guild, The Abydos Theater (San Francisco), Playwrights Theater of New Jersey, Jersey Voices (Chatham, N.J.) and New Jersey Dramatists and Waterfront Ensemble.”

Alter enjoys helping people get their plays performed and showcased.  According to Alter, the good part about a play is that is can be produced many different times in many different ways.

In addition to helping others with their performance needs, Alter enjoys the art of theater and writing himself. “I think I always wanted to be a writer from a young age,” said Alter. “I always had a fascination with the movies.” Since 1999, Alter has helped write and produce at least 80 plays (most of them short one-acts) and has worked with other playwrights on various projects.

Apricot Sky Productions has also done a charity show to commemorative the 10 year anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. “We gave a portion of the proceeds to the National Sept. 11 Museum and Memorial,” said Alter. “I think that was my favorite because we were able to give back and help out.”

Alter and the Apricot Sky Productions team are always looking for people to get involved! For more information or to stay up to date on upcoming events, email Alter at  [email protected] or visit the APS website at apricotskyproductions.com.

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