Arts Advisory Committee

The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee unanimously passed a resolution at their informal meeting begin the selection process for committee members.

Montclair Arts Advisory Committee passes resolution.

Township of Graz
© Manfred Schmidt | Dreamstime Stock Photos

The Montclair Arts Advisory Committee has begun the selection process of committee members. An informal meeting was held on Sept. 14 to put out some ideas and possible goals to see what can initially be done to get the ball rolling. Those in attendance were Sara Brady, Ian Finnell, Elaine Molinaro, Kathryn Osborne, Jim Price and Bruce Tyler.

Some of the decisions made at the meeting were:

  • Molinaro suggested that the committee become fully staffed with the goal of having a diverse group of artists and business volunteers representing the various artistic disciplines (performing and visual arts, etc.), including representatives from Montclair’s Business Improvement Districts. Also members have to complete the Volunteer Information Form (VIF) on the Montclair Township’s website. Once that is done, then having them appointed officially for an initial one year term.
  • Once members are appointed, set a meeting schedule and choose initial projects.
  • Propose a space study.
  • Work on a summer cultural festival for 2016 in one or more of the Township’s parks.
  • A long range goal may be establishing a cultural center for use by local artists.
  • Advising the Committee as needed on proposals that they contact the Committee about.

Additionally, Resolution R-15-077 was passed; the following is the Resolution in its entirety:

Township of Montclair – Resolution Establishing A Township Arts Advisory Committee

WHEREAS, the township recognizes the important role of the arts in the cultural enrichment of residents, the aesthetic quality of its physical environment, and the community character and civic identity of Montclair; and

WHEREAS, the Council desires to support and promote a broad range of artistic activity  in the Township, through the establishment of a Township Arts Advisory Committee (the “AAC”), composed of members from the community representing all of the arts forms both performing and visual; theater, dance, music, painting, visual art, public art, cinema, crafts and literature; and

WHEREAS, the Council envisions  that Arts Advisory Committee programming could include  bringing professional theater back to Montclair and supporting other local community  performing groups; programming theater, dance, music and cinema in the township parks; promoting music, dance and theater concerts; coordinating Public Arts  projects such as the public art connected to redevelopment projects  and the Buzz Aldren honorarium in Rand park; coordinating First Night activities; working with the  Montclair Public Schools, collaborating with the Montclair Library and local bookstores on literacy/literature programs such as Montclair Reads; and coordinating crafts events at the Clary Anderson Arena; and other arts related activities; and

WHEREAS, the Arts Advisory Committee may work with Business Associations, The Montclair Board of Education, and other community organizations and entities, in order to promote the arts in the Township of Montclair and use the arts to contribute to stimulating a strong economy, creating a partnership with the business community, promote education and enrichment amongst all populations – children and adults, and identify Montclair as an arts destination; and

WHEREAS, the Arts Advisory Committee shall advise as to community arts projects, keeping in mind that public art enriches  publicly owned places, and ranges from outdoor sculpture to functional elements  that are part of public facilities, and that public art contributes a sense of ownership and community pride in public facilities  and spaces for township residents; and

WHEREAS, the encouragement of artists, and art-related activity, and its presence in the community, benefits the Township and all its residents and businesses; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Township Council, that an Arts Advisory Committee (“AAC”) is hereby established to advise the Council regarding arts-related matters, and to promote a broad variety of artistic endeavors and arts-related activities in the Township; and let it be further resolved that:

  1. The AAC shall be composed of 9 members. The term of each member shall be one year. An appointment to fill any vacancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.  The AAC shall follow the guidelines in the volunteer handbook of committees.
  2. The AAC shall at the request of the Council, be responsible for donated and loaned arts for approval by the Council, and will suggest strategies for promotion of public art for review by the Council. It will work to promote private/public partnerships for the benefit of art along Montclair trails and streets and within public parks. It will suggest ways that residents can be introduced to art through partnerships between Township programs and the local schools, and it will collect data and disseminate information on Township art programs in other communities for further development of art initiatives.
  3. The AAC be guided by the following considerations in developing and implementing its plans:
  4. Art projects will be responsive to the community by reflecting and respecting local values and character, and providing a source of pride for generations of residents.
  5. Art projects will be reflect the scope, scale, and character of the site.
  6. Art projects will be assed for durability, resistance to vandalism, and public safety.
  7. Consideration of long-term maintenance shall be a consideration in any decision regarding acquisition, donation, or display of public art.
  8. Art projects will promote a multicultural and diverse experience for all residents.
  9. Whenever possible, art projects will be incorporated into the design of the facility.
  10. “Art” should encompass a broad and diverse range of media.

The Township Council voted unanimously in favor of the resolution for the Arts Advisory Committee. The votes were as follows: Councilors Baskerville, Hurlock, McMahon, Spiller, Schlager, Deputy Mayor Russo and Mayor Jackson all voted yes.

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