Monday Night Music Series

A performance at the Monday Night Music Series became violent due to an angry fan.

Monday Night Music Series

Band harassed at Monday Night Music Series. A few weeks ago, members of the band Fast Forward and the head of the FBAL (Friends of the Bellevue Ave Library) were attacked and assaulted during a performance at a “Music Monday” night series sponsored by the Montclair Public Library’s Bellevue Avenue branch. According to a Montclair […]

Job Searching Made Easy

Finding a part-time job is never a simple task. Use some of these tips to land you the perfect job that will be convenient for your employer and you!

Job Searching Made Easy

The guide to finding a part-time job As a college student, when it comes to looking for a job to cover the expenses of food, gas, bills, etc., I’ve discovered that it’s not as easy as it looks.  In fact, juggling a full-time college career and a job can actually be quite stressful.  It is […]

Vaping: Rising Controversial Topic

Interested in vaping? Montclair is home to two local vape stores stocked with different vapes and dozens of different flavors you can choose from.

Vaping: Rising Controversial Topic

Is vaping a healthier alternative or hip trend? Besides the flashy mods you can purchase, the assortment of different flavors with crazy names like “Project X” and “Bavarian Crème,” what exactly are the benefits to switching over? First off, vaping doesn’t turn your teeth yellow or leave a rank odor. Additionally, switching over is very […]

Musician’s Mind During Performances

Have you ever wondered what runs through a musician's head while they're performing? Some musicians try to get the best flow while they're on stage.

Musician’s Mind During Performances

Inside a musician’s mind. Ever wonder what goes through the mind of a musician while performing? I would guess not a lot of people who attend performances even think about that. It’s hard to tell most of the time because you are viewing a performance from a distance. What are the mental stresses and constant long […]

Universities Not Far From Home

Students often think they need to put distance between home and college. As application deadlines approach, we gathered four schools near yet far from home.

Universities Not Far From Home

Universities for students seeking to put distance between home and school all while being a short car ride away. Is your high school senior “begging” to get out of the house, terrorizing you with threats of boarding as far away from home as possible at the start of college? You’re not alone. For many soon-to-be undergrads, seeking […]

Equality: Help Create It

Gender equality is important, and female students at Montclair State University are following the path they want to take.

Equality: Help Create It

Gender equality in the workforce is important. In every newspaper and news television show we see these days, the topic of equal pay and employment of women in the work force occurs regularly, followed by the lawsuits that are filed because women feel unjustified in these cases. Why do you think this happens? Because women […]

College Options For The Undecided

Selecting a college to attend can be a stressful process for both the future undergrad as well as the parents. Check out these four N.J. schools for help.

College Options For The Undecided

Top four N.J. colleges of all sizes. More often than not, 17 and 18-year-old high school seniors have very little idea what they want to do with their life. Heck, most adults still don’t know what they want to do with the rest of their life. It is a thought that will forever evolve, as it should. Choosing […]

Montclair Highlights

Being new in town is never easy. Find out how a current Montclair State University student and native New Yorker fell in love with Montclair.

Montclair Highlights

A city girl’s thoughts on Montclair. Being a born and bred city girl, my first experiences with suburban New Jersey were a pleasant surprise to say the least. My love for Brooklyn being so pure, I never in a million years imagined that I would live in the suburbs and actually love it. Bergen County […]

Natural Gas Options

Learn how to utilize the money you work so hard for with the many options of supplying your electricity and natural gas.

Natural Gas Options

Take control of your natural gas purchases. As consumers, we have choices in most of the important purchases of our lives – everything from groceries to gasoline, from cars to cell phones. But did you know that a growing number of states now provide you with an option on who supplies the energy that powers, […]

Church Struck with Hate Crimes

Dylann Storm Roof wanted to "start a race war" as he committed extreme violent actions to Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Church Struck with Hate Crimes

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church was impacted tragically. Church has always been the corner stone of sanctuary for African Americans seeking solace, a place of refuge from the daily grinds of life and social oppression. The church has also been a place where local community politics were hashed out and discussed, a sacred place where one […]