Chelsea Bradley to Bike 3,909 Miles in 10 Weeks!

Chelsea Bradley, Montclair State University student and member of the Central U.S. Bike & Build team, will bike 3,909 miles across the country throughout summer 2015. Bradley and 30 other passionate volunteers have joined the Bike & Build foundation in an effort to promote awareness for affordable housing. The biking journey, launching May 23 and concluding August 5, tackles more than miles. The team stops in numerous cities to volunteer alongside other organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity to build homes for those in need. Bradley, a resident of Nutley, N.J. has already raised $4,000 of the $4,500 expected of each participant and trained all winter for the approximate 66 mile per day bike ride. As she specializes in photography, the 22 year old is sure to see the United States through a special lens. Fortunately, the Dispatch hosted an exclusive interview with MSU’s very own Superwoman! Read on to find out Chlesea Bradley’s fears, goals and why she looks forward to visiting the small towns along the way.
How did you get involved with Bike & Build?
I first heard about Bike & Build through a fellow classmate a few years back. I was immediately interested. I have just been waiting for the best time to commit!
Why is it important to you?
It is important to me because I have such wonderful family and friends and I know that home is the root of that. I’ve been extremely lucky with endless support. Everyone should have the opportunity to always have a stable home within reach. Bike & Build has opened my eyes to the United States’ affordable housing issue and I am ready to do something about it.
How have you prepared for the journey?
I’ve trained a lot and educated myself as much as possible on affordable housing. This winter was pretty rough, so I was indoors on the bike trainer mostly and at the gym every day, but I am anxious to go outside and get some real miles in (there is a minimum of 500 miles to complete on the road before the trip takes off).
What are you most excited for?
I am most excited to see the U.S. in such a unique way. I would never just randomly travel to some of these towns. I also love being active, so being able to travel through biking is really amazing to me.
What about the trip makes you nervous/scared?
I am nervous that I will get homesick. I am very close to my family and friends (and cats) and I don’t want to miss anything! But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I have to keep reminding myself that they’re all going to be there when I get back.
What does it mean to be a part of the Central U.S. team and how did you get there?
There are so many places in the U.S. I have yet to see (for example, the Grand Canyon and Yosemite) but I considered which destinations would allow a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to do, such as riding through Kansas on a bike. Since Bike & Build is primarily young adults, they revolve their route dates around college summers, but some routes leave sooner than others.
The Central U.S. route left at the perfect time, and it allows my parents to see me graduate from college, which was important to all of us. Everyone on the team is still getting to know each other. Bike & Build offers a lot of guidance and has strong alumni system that helps riders, so it’s been really welcoming. Everyone on my team has been talking and some individuals who live close meet up and go on rides. We’re all very eager. I don’t know anyone doing the trip, so I’m thrilled about meeting new people who are all excited about the same thing. I’ve been on sports teams all my life, but nothing has ever compared to this.
How did you fundraise for Bike & Build?
Bike & Build requires a $4500 fundraising minimum. I am currently at $4000. Some of my fundraising included a can shake outside my local Shop Rite, sales of a tee shirt that I designed through, as well as a generous donation from the Nutley/Belleville Kiwanis Club. I also have a large, extremely supportive family and fantastic friends, who have been very generous, thus making it easy to achieve my fundraising goal.
What cities are you most looking forward to benefiting?
I am looking forward to Boulder, Colorado and Portland, Oregon the most. I can’t help but assume the Rocky Mountains are going to be breathtaking, however I know the small towns along the way are going to end up surprising me and have a lot to offer.
What are you seeking to gain from this experience?
I am hoping that I will come back with experience in building and helping others and being able to apply it in my future endeavors. I am also excited about the skills I am going to gain, as well as surprises that I will meet on the road.
To find out more about Chelsea Bradley and her Bike & Build experience, go to
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