Montclair citizens help with the un-EGG-spected Easter egg hunt.

The bunny came back Saturday with the support of the Montclair community. The annual hunt of Dr. Jayne Mizraji made yet another hop in the right direction. When a listing for the event was noted, egg hunters prepared for a day in the park.
Last year, Dr. Mizraji, of Family Chiropractors in Montclair, was prepared to call off her hunt, but had a sudden pang of disappointment when thoughts of her loyal band of fans would be leaving, baskets empty, after searching to find no eggs at their annual Watchung Plaza Easter Egg Hunt.
With minimum time for preparation, she assembled 200 plastic eggs that happened to be in the office from the year prior. “Recycle and reuse” became the recovery for the day that still needed support. When there is a problem, there is no one better to call-to-action than Mom. Moms united with Dr. Mizraji to hide the eggs in the park for a smaller scale hunt. It wasn’t the usual Easter Egg Hunt that Dr. Mizraji is famous for, but because of the unexpected enthusiasm for the event to go on, it was an Easter to recognize a community that is bound by support.
This year’s hunt proved to be an egg-cellent return! When the call for volunteers went out the Montclair High School Key Club, its members were eager to help. Several members arrived early Saturday morning to lay the eggs, string the tape and make the signs. When the hunt was underway, they helped run the event and dispense eggs to the littlest egg hunters who may have missed out. Two of the Key Club members jumped in to fill a very important roll at the last moment. Dr. Mizraji needed an Easter bunny and a driver; Caitlin Kennedy drove and Kendra Baity volunteered to be the bunny, both girls current Montclair High School juniors.
And with even bigger egg-spectations for next year’s hunt, hunters beware and properly prepare!

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