Emblem3 steals the show.

The showmanship displayed by Emblem3 was phenomenal. The stage was designed to look like a California-style bachelor pad, complete with a refrigerator, couch, surf board hanging on the wall and colored milk crates to look like storage bins. When Emblem3 entered the stage, they performed skateboard tricks on small ramps set up on either end of the set. The crowd went wild.
Their music made you long for warmer weather, which is just what New Jerseyans need right about now. It was so refreshing to see the band take their shirts off on stage – and change into something a little cooler. All the talk about the beach and Sunset Boulevard was such a tease and made it difficult to bundle up for the walk back to your car after the show.
The audience was so excited, active and loud. Then the band played “Jaiden.” I have never seen a crowd of teenagers get so quiet so quickly. I highly recommend school teachers using that song to calm down their classrooms, because the impact that song had over the theater was outstandingly effective.
Emblem3 has been broadening their video prodction as well as their music production. They have been producing a web series called #bandlife along with three of their childhood friends. They were invited on stage toward the end of the show. Emblem3 seem to be making efforts to gain popularity, and based on the enamored fans dressed from head to toe in ‘E3’ gear, they’re succeeding.
Emblem3 has an amazing following known as the “E3 Crew,” primarily composed of young girls ranging from age 12 to 20. Their dedication to this band was incorrigible. They were willing to risk their health and well being to be just steps closer to these boys. A staff member delayed the show almost 20 minutes in an effort to get these fans to take “two steps back” because of how unsafe the main floor had become. Parents filled the back area of the theater to give their children space, but seemed a bit distraught to find that their child had either fainted or was restrained and removed by security. The Wellmont Theater staff did a wonderful job handling the rowdy crowd to make the show safe and enjoyable for the rest of the attendees.
Be sure to check out the Pink Floyd Laser Show next month as well as some of the other exciting performances that Livenation will be bringing to Montclair. For more information, visit the Wellmont’s website at thewellmonttheater.
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