Jon Stewart Says Goodbye

After 16 years of delivering news in a whimsical way, Jon Stewart gives his final goodbye on 'The Daily Show.' He will truly be missed my many.

Jon Stewart ends Daily Show.

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About a week ago, last Thursday, was Jon Stewart’s last appearance on The Daily Show. After a 16 year run, Stewart said goodbye to The Daily Show. Stewart was not a first choice for The Daily Show but in a desperate attempt to find someone, he was hired for the job. Originally, Stewart started off as a comedian, where he found his calling; he was naturally a funny guy. Travelling through the states and Canada, Jon Stewart spread his comical voice for others to hear.

The Daily Show had a vision: to comically tell the news. Comically telling the news made it easier for viewers to understand what is happening throughout the world. What began as comical jargon turned into an actual news cast. Once the last anchor of The Daily Show left, a new challenge rose: to find someone who can be funny, but tell an accurate story of the news at the same time. Once Stewart showed up, the show clicked together and a new way to tell the news had begun. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was news told in a more personal tone.

The reason why Jon Stewart was extremely important was because he made the news simple to understand. Simplicity was bliss for The Daily Show. People were able to relate to the simplicity of the explanation behind the news. For example, networks like CNN, Fox or MSNBC tell the news in a monotone and straightforward way. These news anchors had a tough time attracting younger audiences due to difficult jargon and monotone voices. News anchors normally don’t put a personal twist to the news; they only report the news and continue on with more news. Jon Stewart did a lot more than that. Stewart made fun of politicians. He was the voice of the people, and he voiced his opinion about the news in a funny way. Children were able to understand the news because Stewart made it funny.

On his last show, Stewart was signed off by none other than Montclair native, Stephen Colbert. In a touching last episode, he was signed off by bands, other comedians and even politicians. Even Chris Christie told him, “I’ll never forget you Jon, but I will be trying.” It was a “heartfelt” goodbye given by our own governor to Jon Stewart. Even Hillary Clinton gave a heartfelt goodbye as Jon Stewart left the building. Stewart will be missed by many fans, including the town of Montclair.

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