At the end of every school year, through the Career Internship Program at Montclair High School, graduating seniors get the opportunity to participate in a four-week internship in a field of their choice. This year, as a graduating senior, I have begun my internship with Studio 042. While working for Studio 042, I will be required to interview four of my classmates and peers about there senior option experience. In addition to interviewing four classmates, I will create the four interviews about senior option and turn them into an article.
I have loved interning for Studio 042 and I have built quite a relationship with Mr. Kennedy, who is one of the directors. While interviewing my classmates, I am able to see how other students view their internship and I have gotten to learn a little bit about the organizations themselves, from questions I have asked focusing on what requirements are needed, dress attire, qualities, and tasks.
I have taken full advantage of this great opportunity interning for Studio 042. I will be attending William Patterson University in the fall of 2019 and intend to pursue a major in film production and writing. I believe by writing these articles about my classmates and peers senior option experience it has helped me become an even better writer, which I enjoy doing. I hope that if there are upcoming seniors at Montclair High School who enjoy writing or want to be an interviewer, that next year during their senior option that they take full advantage in applying to work and intern here at Studio 042.
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