MHS Class of 2013 throw their caps up.
The ceremony was held in the Montclair High School amphitheater outside the main building on Park Street. The amphitheater was immaculately groomed and landscaped so that it looked perfect for the MHS class of 2013’s ceremony. Family and friends were crowded on the amphitheater steps and lined the outside of the walls and fence just to get a peek at their beloved graduates grab their diplomas.
“It’s crazy to think that I’m done with high school. I’m glad to be going onto college but it’s still so weird to think how fast these past four years have gone by,” shared graduate Nick Twomey.
The MHS class of 2013 had the privilege of having a commencement address delivered by Montclair’s mayor, Robert D. Jackson, whose daughter Taylor Jackson was a member of the graduating class. Graduates especially enjoyed Jackson’s speech because it didn’t drag on, like so many speakers tend to do.
“It was extremely efficient and went very smoothly,” said graduate Julie Lesniak. “Everything was done very nice, but at a great pace. It was nice that they didn’t drag it on, especially because it was so hot and everyone was so anxious to just graduate.”
Jackson’s speech was enjoyed by both the graduates and the audience alike. He had quite a few witty jokes that made both the crowd and the graduates laugh.
“I think Mayor Jackson’s speech was short and to the point which was great. It really packed a punch,” said graduate Emma Fishman. “It was very well written and he was incredibly well spoken.”
Senior class president, Malik Wright, additionally gave a speech at the ceremony.
“Malik’s speech was great and very moving,” added Fishman. “It was obvious he had made a real effort in writing it. He did a really great job. It was a very nice addition to the ceremony.”
For the MHS class of 2013, their favorite part rested not in the speeches or the the walking out to pomp and circumstance, but the presentation of the diplomas.
“I really liked waiting for my diploma and then getting it,” shared graduate Margaret MacCallum. “There’s was something really nice about the anticipation of my name getting called.”
Diplomas were presented with very few hiccups and the MHS class of 2013 threw their graduation caps up in the air with such a fervor that everyone in the vicinity was moved.
“Graduating is so bittersweet,” said graduate Leo Poggie. “It’s great to be moving on. I’m really excited to go to college, but at the same time I’m sad to leave my high school experience behind. I really did have such a great time with all my friends and participating in all my sports and other activities.”
Graduate Henry Gifford echoes Poggie’s thoughts.“It is really great to graduate and move onto to college, but it is also sad to leave all your high school friends behind,” shared Gifford.
While their feelings about leaving will vary, it can be said that all members of the MHS class of 2013 will never forget their graduation.
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