Montclair Girls JV Soccer under the leadership of Coach Creg Kalata dominated the venerable powerhouse West Essex 3:1 at Montclair on Monday, September 18, 2017.

Postgame Coach Kalata reflected on this important win over West Essex, ” [This] win over West Essex was helpful because it helped the team bounce back from a tough loss. It made the team think positively and got the ball rolling in a positive direction.”
Kiera Hasan scored two of Montclair’s three goals while wearing jersey number 20 at home. Mia Rodriguez-Vars #23 drilled in her goal from 45 feet out, straight through a crowded field right past a blocked goal. Coach Kalata commented that “Both players are amazing and work very hard. They work great with their teammates and you can clearly see it on the field. Their performance is outstanding and with their teammates, they make the team strong.”

The Montclair Girls JV team now sits at 2-2 as they find their stride and work as a team on the field. The single goal from West Essex was a well-executed high curving arc from the near corner over the Montclair goalie’s reach. Beyond that single goal, Montclair worked as a team, working their advance methodically up the field.

Coach Kalata’s style is keeping with the traditional Montclair style of sideline coaching that is so indicative of the Montclair soccer program which has yielded so many state championships over the decades. Absent from the sideline is the constant berating, micro-management, condescending and expletive-laden rants so frequently observed from the coaches of other programs. The Montclair players have taken to heart their training and rely upon their on-field-captains for strategy guidance, encouragement, admonishment and peer-to-peer prodding. Therein lies the secret sauce; training, teamwork, supportive peers, peer pressure and the desire not to disappoint themselves, their team, their coach or their school.
Their individual drive, commitment, and determination shine through when viewed through the long lens; a view the fans rarely see when the action happens so fast and so far from the stands. Coach Kalata who stands toe to the line witnesses the on-field comradery and development first-hand. “The team has many skillful and talented players and they have great potential to achieve many things as student-athletes. Every day the team is improving and with their improvement, the season will continue in a positive direction.”

Montclair JV Girls Soccer plays Nutley on Wednesday afternoon at Nutley at 4:00 pm.
All photos by Scott Kennedy, the Montclair Dispatch
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