Montclair Soccer Camp makes a splash.

The Montclair Soccer camp has soccer drills on the fields are shorter and the water breaks are every 10 minutes to allow the campers to cool down and drink up, and plenty of water horseplay is permitted.
When the temperatures get this high they shift gears for safety and move the campers into the two state of the art pools located on the campus of Montclair State University. According to Head Swimming and Diving Coach and Assistant Athletic Director Brian McLaughlin, each pool is about 45 feet wide and 75 feet long and holds approximately 120,000 gallons of cool water.

There are 45 Montclair Soccer Camp staff, coaches, trainers and administrators, so there is plenty of supervision when they are broken into smaller, cooler groups. The university’s aquatics staff has four highly-trained lifeguards on duty at each pool to watch over the campers from the pool’s edge.
Additionally, the campers are given an added bonus as Dave Masur personally introduces the Yogi movie the campers will watch from the comfort of the air-conditioned amphitheater.

Lunch is provided to the campers out of the direct sun in the dining halls and the camp staff continue the soccer training indoors with knowledge building exercises.
There are health and safety athletic trainers standing by with rapid response golf carts on all the fields where the campers are running through the drills. They are equipped with the latest safety equipment, communications and plenty of water, Gatorade (over 1,500 bottles, in fact) and ice on board.

All the campers still enjoy the long six hour days at this week’s camp, even though the temperatures continue to soar into the 90’s and above.
Next week’s camp, which is sold out, will be run just as this week has been. Campers interested in the Montclair Soccer Camp should look for the early announcements next year from Dave Masur.

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