Noches de Colombia

Noches de Colombia brings delicious Columbian cuisine to Montclair.

Noches de Colombia brings delicious Colombian cuisine to Montclair.

Delectable, mouth-watering, filling, comfortable and – most importantly – Colombian! Noches de Colombia is, easily, the best place to get a Colombian meal in the area. There are few places that will provide the quality and atmosphere that this restaurant has for the prices they offer. Before I even walked in, I immediately noticed the storefront with its orange magnificence, standing strong on Elm Street. In Montclair, there is a place to eat around nearly any corner you walk, but this corner is defined by Noches de Colombia. Not only does it make a mark on Elm Street, but it’s a huge mark on the Montclair dining scene as a whole.

Firstly, let’s start with Noches de Colombia’s atmosphere. When you walk in, the place screams “Colombia.” The smell, the look and the vibrant life of the restaurant radiate a feeling of excitement, warmth and being welcome. There are a couple of big televisions always playing soccer games, as well. This also adds to the vibrant aura inside the establishment. The seating is very comfortable and the booth stretches around the entire perimeter of the dining room. It’s a big dining room, but it can easily get very packed on their busy Saturday nights. However, this also makes it feel a little bit like a foreign home, as well. It adds to that welcoming feeling that I mentioned earlier.

“Some people we know as soon as they get to the door. We know what they like and how they like their coffee,” said owner, Catalina Leuro-Rey. Honestly, you can’t feel any more at-home than that.

Noches de Colombia
Courtesy of Catalina Leuro-Rey.

Let me say something about the food: you will be full, very full. You will never leave Noches de Colombia hungry, because the plates are massive. “People are surprised by the amount of food, but they like it because 90 percent of customers leave with a bag,” said Leuro-Ray. “They eat and have some for the next day.”

I ordered one of the pollo (chicken) sandwiches and it had an assortment of delicious items on it. Not only was the chicken grilled to perfection, but there was a good amount of tomatoes lettuce, onions, avocado and melted cheese.

It is also highly recommended that you order two nice plates of the two most popular appetizers on the menu: the beef empanadas and the pandebono. Pandebono is a soft, cheesey, sweet ball of bread. It is a Colombian pastry that can’t really even be described, but can only be experienced, because taking a bite out of one of those wonderfully fluffy treats is truly an experience.

A night at Noches de Colombia is a night that needs to happen for anyone who hasn’t gone out there yet. They also deliver and cater! You don’t even have to leave your house, and they can provide some great eats at your next party. They even offer a very convenient online order system that allows you to place your order on their website and pick it up later.

Convenient, vibrant, well-priced, quality, quantity and friendly. There really is no reason not to try a bite of Colombia in Montclair! Visit for more information.

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