Outpost in the Burbs hosts Spiritual Drumming with Richard Reiter.

Come take advantage of two of the last dates for Spiritual Drumming of the season, hosted through Outpost in the Burbs by Richard Reiter. The two remaining sessions are on Nov. 16 and Dec. 14, and those looking for a bit of spirituality mixed with fun should definitely mark these dates on their calendars.
All sessions are held on Sundays from 3 to 5 p.m. at the First Congregational Church of Montclair. Outpost members encourage attendees to enter the door off the Plymouth Street driveway, closest to the street.
The Spiritual Drumming sessions from Outpost in the Burbs are led by Richard Reiter, who has been defined as a “professional musician” who also plays saxophone by the New York Times. According to the Times, “when he is not drumming in one of his regular spots, including the Outpost in the Burbs in Montclair, Puffin Cultural Forum in Teaneck or Rest Stop Rejuvenate in Rockaway, [Reiter] is leading ‘team-building’ circles for businesses and other groups.”
According to the Outpost in the Burbs website, “Interest continues to abound in this opportunity to explore drumming and percussion in an atmosphere of fun, openness and spirituality. Richard Reiter, a nationally acclaimed jazz musician who has studied drumming in Dakar, Senegal, invites adults and mature teenagers to join him for a ‘joyous feeling of unity and power.’ No musical training is necessary. Richard supplies drums, but you are encouraged to bring your own drums and percussion instruments.”
There is a $10 charge to attend, which also includes refreshments. However, Outpost would like possible participants to keep in mind that this activity is for “adults and mature teenagers only.”
To receive e-mailed drumming updates as well as notices on the latest additions to the Outpost schedule, you can contact Outpost at activities@outpostintheburbs.org.
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