Seth Meyers Spends Saturday Night In Montclair.
NBC’s hit variety show writers Colin Jost and Seth Meyers stopped by Montclair State University on March 21 for a comedy show. Both Jost and Meyers left students and faculty in fits of laughter until the very end of the show.
Colin Jost warmed up the crowd, starting with his unusual idea of where the word “Montclair” came from: “Montclair comes from mount Claire, which means to have sex with Claire.” Jost then went on to discuss how people mispronounce his name, which got the crowd laughing.

Songs on the radio were Jost’s next victim, as the comedian joked about songs that had to be changed lyrically before being put on the radio, giving examples like “Let’s Get it Started” by the Black Eyed Peas, which was originally “Let’s Get Retarded,” and “Tonight I’m Loving You” by Enrique Iglesias, originally sang as “Tonight I’m F*cking You.”
Jost joked about Wal-Mart, friends, relationships and sneezes as well. Jost taught the crowd a very valuable lesson that night: if you sneeze four times in a row, everyone will hate you. After telling a story about calling his parents in the middle of a date while he was under the influence of marijuana, and taking a jab at dating websites, Jost introduced Seth Meyers.
Seth Meyers came onstage with a big voice and even bigger smile as he pumped up the crowd with “Where are the freshman?!” The freshmen raised their hands and cheered, and Meyers responded with “You can tell they’re freshmen; they still raise their hands. You guys are the coolest ones on a college campus!”
“Sophomores, where are you?” The crowd cheered, and Meyers said, “On the record, you guys are the coolest guys on a college campus!”
“Juniors, where are you?” he asked. They cheered; he joked, “You guys are d*cks.”
And finally, “Seniors! Where you at?” The crowd cheered, “Yeah, I don’t know why you’re cheering, the economy still sucks. You’re all screwed.” It was a really great opening for a show on a college campus.
Meyers joked about his time in Amsterdam, and the fact that he took French in school, but “didn’t learn a damn thing.” Meyers poked some fun at the new Pope, and his ability to change his name once deemed Pope. The comedian then went on to joking about how girls take forever to take photos, which had many girls in the audience laughing and yelling, “That’s so true!”
Meyers went on to tell a story about the time he was in a bar fight, if you could call it that. It was said that when Meyers is under the influence of alcohol, he gets sarcastic, more so than usual. His sarcasm cost him a punch in the face, but do not worry: Meyers retaliated with a soft bonk to the guy’s head. And yes, Meyers did promptly run away afterwards.
Another valuable lesson learned that night was that Meyers was the “true” reason Osama Bin Laden was killed. The night before Bin Laden was killed, the Correspondent’s Dinner was being held at the White House, where Meyers was in attendance. President Obama made a speech at the dinner that was funny, and was followed by Meyers, who supposedly had a funnier speech. Now, to get the spotlight back on him, the President thought “What can I do to one up Seth Meyers? Oh, I know! We’ll kill Bin Laden!” Meyers then proudly announced to the crowd, “You’re welcome, America!” Thank you, Seth Meyers.
Meyers ended his set with some Weekend Update outtakes, which had the audience tearing with laughter. Valerie Godowsky, a freshman at MSU said, ” It was the funniest comedy show I’ve seen in a long time.”
Lauren Morone, junior, said, “I nearly peed my pants, I was laughing so hard!”
The event was hosted by the SGA and SLAM, and all profit went towards MSU’s Relay For Life event. Fans can also catch The Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and Colin Jost’s witty comedy every Saturday night on NBC.
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