Sprague Library Helps Students and Citizens

Sprague Library on the campus of Montclair State University offers services to people both on and off campus.

Sprague Library brings resources to those both on and off campus.

The Harry A. Sprague Library is located on the campus of Montclair State University. It has a lot to offer students and non-students alike. Offers including everything from magazines, online journals, DVDs, CDs, newspapers, annuals and yearbooks, as well as, online databases.

The Sprague Library is open to the public. Faculty, staff and students of Montclair State with valid school identification may freely check out books as they please. Also including electronic items. Residents of Montclair, Clifton and Little Falls may check out up to three books. Be sure to have a public library card and one other form of identification. Alumni of the university and researchers from other colleges with identification are also eligible to check books out. Citizens from outside towns and businesses who can use the library’s “fee-for-service” borrowers program.

Open book in a library
© Rigmanyi | Dreamstime Stock Photos

There are departments available in Sprague Library. They include access services for the circulating books and reserve materials, cataloging, metadata and archive services, collection development and acquisitions, government documents, a multimedia resources department, periodicals and reference departments.

The Sprague Library has access to over 30,000 online magazines and journals. They are accessible through computers in the library, as well as on and off campus for faculty, staff and students. The library also subscribes to over 2,000 magazines, annuals, yearbooks, newspapers and journals in print format. They are also accessible in the library. The number of access is extremely helpful.

Books and materials are available for check out at the front desk of Sprague Library. There are additional self-check out machine to quicken the process. Materials can conveniently be renewed online using the “My Library Card” link. It may also be done in person at the front desk of the library.

In addition to the vast array of books and resources the library has to offer, they also have interesting monthly exhibits of varying topics. Exhibits in the past have included “Muslim Journeys: Literary Reflections.” Another is “Muslim Journeys: Pathways to Faith.” Not to mention, a display of works by Montclair State students. The exhibit for the month of February includes African-American literature, and for next month will be Irish culture. Be sure to check it out.

The Sprague Library is open to MSU students, staff and faculty until 3 a.m. It is open on weekdays and midnight on weekends. It is open for service to Montclair citizens until midnight on Mondays through Thursdays, 8 p.m. on Fridays, 5 p.m. on Saturdays and 9 p.m. on Sundays. The Sprague Library is truly convenient.

Before taking your trip to the Harry A. Sprague Library, be sure to stop into Café Diem . They have Starbucks-like refreshments and food. Café Diem is conveniently located right inside of the library, with indoor and outdoor seating. It accepts cash, credit, Red Hawk and Flex dollars.

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