Streetcar Named Desire was absolutely beautiful.
Set in the South, Streetcar follows the story of the fading southern bell Blanche DuBois, whose mask of virtue and culture starts to crumble as she collides with her sister’s brutish husband Stanley that culminates in a powerful and haunting conclusion. Director Kari Margolis put a new twist on the American classic with image projection, live music on the stage and the effect of having the inner voices of both Blanche and Stanley.
With having multiple actors playing both title roles, three actors playing the inner and one main actor for each role, the inners allowed the audience to delve deeper into the minds of Blanche and Stanley. It also had the effect of becoming something of a Greek Chorus for both of the leads taking the play to the level of a Greek Tragedy.

Aryana Sedarati, Elena Barone and Angela Borrello form the inner Blanche as they share the role with lead actress Anna Voyce. Together, they beautifully play a woman who’s on the cusp of redemption, but never fully gains it as the mask that hides her insecurities and frailties seem to hold her back. The power of each of the actresses had the audience wanting to see Blanche receive that redemption to the point some even willed it for her to gain it. Sadly, both Blanche’s and the audience’s hopes were shattered by the brutish and manipulative Stanley.
As done with Blanche, Stanley had his own representative inner voice with Thomas J. Foy, Isaiah Jenkins and Michael Lasry, and Matt Petrucell was the lead Stanley. Each Stanley collectively displayed an unrefined, brutish and highly manipulative man who directs his attacks at Blanche as she glaringly reminds him of what he can never truly give his wife Stella. The actors were able to establish a deep connection as audience felt a growing and deep distain for him as the play progressed reaching it’s apex at the conclusion of the play.
Brittany Sambogna’s Stella was perfect as she was able to display the emotion and actions of a woman that was once independent and ready to take on the world, but now is under the spell of sexual attraction to Stanley.
Matt Dubrow’s Mitch was excellent, as he was able to evoke the feelings and memories that every member of the audience shares of being in love and having the perfect image of someone. We saw a man that hung on Blanche’s every word and glance, which made it all the more heartbreaking when that image was tainted and shattered leading to his rapid decline. The ensemble cast, with live music played by actors Angela Borrello, Matt Dubrow and Anna Voyce, only enhanced Streetcar by giving life to the southern setting and effectively letting the audience themselves become inhabitants of the world.
The set and lighting design felt like a living element, as its mix of props and image projection sold the effect of a living, breathing world outside of the set.
This adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire was able to connect to it’s audience on a deep emotional level to the point were the show stayed with them days after show’s ending. Streetcar is easily a contender for the best show of the season.
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