Creativity Caravan Calls Montclair Home

Maya Stein and Amy Tingle created Creativity Caravan, a studio, gallery and imaginarium with the belief that everyone can be and is creative.

Creativity Caravan Calls Montclair Home

Creativity Caravan focuses on creativity, collaboration and community.  Maya Stein and Amy Tingle of Nutley, N.J. founded Creativity Caravan as a mobile business nearly four years ago. As they purchased and refurbished a vintage trailer (a 1965 Covered Wagon), they envisioned that their company would spark, engage and nourish creativity in communities everywhere. “We believe creativity […]

Art Exhibit Featuring MHS Students

The eighth Annual Advanced Placement Studio Art Exhibition at the Maplewood Arts Center featured works by some of Montclair’s very own AP Art Students.

Art Exhibit Featuring MHS Students

This astounding art accomplishment goes to show that Montclair has much to offer. The Maplewood Arts Center presented its eighth Annual Advanced Placement Studio Art Exhibition in Maplewood, N.J., located at 1978 Springfield Avenue, during the past few weeks. Four talented students of Montclair High School – Monique Baltzer, Brezaja Hutcheson, Jacqueline Qui and Leah […]