Walter Springer presents his BOE petition to a divided community

Walter Springer presents his BOE petition to a divided community

Walter Springer presented his petition with 1045 signatures to the Montclair Board of Education on June 7th. Through the petition members of the community expressed their outrage at the controversial personnel decisions made by the Board of Education on May 15th. Walter Springer’s Petition calls for a full and complete public review of the former Interim […]

Springer to Deliver Petition to BOE June 7th at 7 PM

Springer to Deliver Petition to BOE June 7th at 7 PM

It took Walter Springer 1 week to reach 1000 signatures on his petition to reinstate Athletic Director Jeff Gannon and Assistant Principal of English Kim Westervelt. On Wednesday June 7th 2017, Springer will present that petition to the Montclair Board of Education.   On May 15th 2017, word circulated in Montclair that there had been major cuts […]

The Montclair Board of Education delays the release of public records.

The Montclair Board of Education delays the release of public records.

The Montclair Dispatch has waited two weeks for the public records to be returned – we have not received one sentence of the documents requested. The Montclair Dispatch serves to provide the public with the access to information they have a right to know. The Montclair Board of Education has delayed the release of the public records […]

The Montclair Board of Education Has a Transparency Problem

The Montclair Board of Education Has a Transparency Problem

In the wake of the recent controversial personnel decisions made by the Montclair Board of Education, many have questioned the legitimacy of the operation due to a lack of transparency.   After Laura Hertzog and Franklin Turner were sworn in as President and Vice President of the Montclair Board of Education, there were pledges of […]

Montclair Resident Walter Springer Creates Petition Supporting Jeff Gannon

Montclair Resident Walter Springer Creates Petition Supporting Jeff Gannon

  On May 22, 2017, Montclair resident and parent, Walter Springer, created a petition to raise awareness to the Montclair Board of Education’s personnel decisions. In a rapid response to the dubious demotions and terminations of several Montclair public school employees last week, local Montclair parent Walter Springer has created a petition to reinstate both Athletic […]

Gannon, MHS Athletic Director Demoted Under Cloud of Controversy

Gannon, MHS Athletic Director Demoted Under Cloud of Controversy

 Jeff Gannon, Montclair’s beloved and respected Athletic Director was demoted because of a central office clerical error at the BOE board meeting on May 15, 2017. Jeff Gannon had been working for Montclair High School for 18 years, and was enjoying heaps of success as athletic director. Montclair’s rowing team had become state champions, becoming the […]

MFEE Takes a Stand to Montclair Charter

MFEE, along with Board of Education and Superintendent, has decided to make a statement in regards to the opposition of Montclair Charter.

MFEE Takes a Stand to Montclair Charter

MFEE states opposition to Montclair Charter! “For 25 years, the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE) has leveraged resources and support for the Montclair Public Schools. MFEE was forged with an understanding that in the challenging landscape of public school financing, our district cannot rely solely on state funding and tax dollars to provide an exceptional academic experience to […]

Buzz Aldrin School for Recognition

The Man on the Moon Committee has proposed to the Montclair Board of Education to name Mount Hebron School to Buzz Aldrin School.

Mount Hebron School could become Buzz Aldrin School. Look out, Montclair; Buzz Aldrin could reinvent your beloved school! The rather new “Man on the Moon” committee took action on Tuesday, Feb. 24 and proposed the Montclair Board of Education renames Mount Hebron School. If the request is approved, the new name will honor the moonwalker […]